Why is this poor girl so unhappy? Why are so many celebrities unhappy for that matter? The answer is something I discovered years ago, while searching for my own happiness. There is a quote I read recently which I believe is the key. It's by Henry B. Eyring who is a leader in my church. He says, "Without service, there is no happiness". Bingo! .
In Hollywood so much of that culture is "self service". It puts such emphasis on "self"; appearance, furthering careers, money, fame, etc. There are many different aspects of "self service". At one point in my life, I found myself in a deep depression. As I began to pull myself out of it, I made some profound observations. Depression is a very selfish state of mind. "I'm not good enough, nobody cares about me, I wish I were dead, why does this always happen to me?". Have you noticed the recurring words - I and me.
"There is no happiness without service". How do I find happiness? In the service of my family, neighbors, and friends. When I catch myself falling back into the bad habits of a depressed state of mind, I immediately put a stop to it. I remember that I really need to get over myself and stop focussing on ME. True happiness for me has come when I lose myself in the service of others.
Why are Britney Spears and others in Hollywood so unhappy? I believe that they are caught in the trap of "self service". Be it depression, or a focus on self to achieve more fame, glamour, and money, it will never result in happiness.
"You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give."
-Winston Churchill
very true, and very well put. I wish some people i know that are so depressed would learn that.
I always feel better when I can help someone else! Sometimes its hard to remember that. Thanks for the reminder.
I love the quotes!
I agree completely. I have always loved to serve others but when I found out I was sick with MS I went into high gear mode and served served served until I was blue in the face. For me, that was my way of not focusing on my problems and it also kept my spirits up. But I got tired. I over did it. So I stopped. Then guess what happened...I got depressed. I recognized this and I started serving again. I started with serving my family first this time around and then others. I don't over do it anymore but I have found true happiness again...in serving those around me. We need each other and let's face it...it feels good!
Excellent post! I think we all need that reminder. Thank you for enlightening me today!
Once when I was at BYU I went through a "rough spot" and was feeling down. While letting out my frustration to my dad on the phone, he said, "All you need to do is go out and serve." He was right... it worked.
Very profound and right on the money! Thanks.
Hear, hear! It's much easier to forget about yourself when you are thinking of others. Thanks for sharing.
Well put. I'd also recommend "Happiness is a Serious Problem." It's a great study of what brings happiness. A fascinating subject to me because it is our deep desire and so allusive to some. Funny isn't it how all the things we think should make us happy--money, fame, fortune, success--are not what really does it. They can put a bandaid on it for a while at best.
Great food for thought. Thanks!
Very well put! I dont even have to go to church on sunday now.....
loved it!
i loved this post, it really is true!
I think it is all so sad and I completely agree with you. Sometimes I think serving others gets passed us because we get so caught up in doing our own thing. But it is so important remember that others need our help - just like we need theirs. I find it harder to let people serve me - I rather just do it myself, but it's important to let them exercise their desire to serve. Anyway...service totally keeps you grounded...Unfortunately for hollywood most only serve themselves. Thanks for the reminder...anything I can do for you?
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