Why is this poor girl so unhappy? Why are so many celebrities unhappy for that matter? The answer is something I discovered years ago, while searching for my own happiness. There is a quote I read recently which I believe is the key. It's by Henry B. Eyring who is a leader in my church. He says, "Without service, there is no happiness". Bingo! .
In Hollywood so much of that culture is "self service". It puts such emphasis on "self"; appearance, furthering careers, money, fame, etc. There are many different aspects of "self service". At one point in my life, I found myself in a deep depression. As I began to pull myself out of it, I made some profound observations. Depression is a very selfish state of mind. "I'm not good enough, nobody cares about me, I wish I were dead, why does this always happen to me?". Have you noticed the recurring words - I and me.
"There is no happiness without service". How do I find happiness? In the service of my family, neighbors, and friends. When I catch myself falling back into the bad habits of a depressed state of mind, I immediately put a stop to it. I remember that I really need to get over myself and stop focussing on ME. True happiness for me has come when I lose myself in the service of others.
Why are Britney Spears and others in Hollywood so unhappy? I believe that they are caught in the trap of "self service". Be it depression, or a focus on self to achieve more fame, glamour, and money, it will never result in happiness.
"You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give."
-Winston Churchill