I have been thinking a lot about our upcoming election. I have tried very hard to study each candidate, and nudge my way through all the fluff. It is difficult when there is so much muck being thrown around about both candidates.
I have read "The Audacity of Hope" by Barrack Obama. I will admit that I haven't read any books on John McCain - (mostly because I was to cheap to buy one and someone gave me the book on Obama). But I have tried to stay current and learn about the man what I could.
There are countless arguments for both sides and each one makes great promises. So I started to think about what was important to me and how did each candidate measure up.
The War. Support it or not, the fact is we are at war. Looking at both of these men, who do I feel will do what is right for our country and our soldiers. I, unlike most people, do not support a cut in our military defenses. I will never forget how I felt on September 11, and I feel better knowing our country has the best military defenses in the world. I want someone who, along with his party, has a history of supporting funds for our military and supporting what needs to be done to protect our country.
The economy. I am just as scared as the rest of America. Believe me, my hubbies in the banking industry. But any candidate who promotes a "redistribution of wealth" and higher taxes for the rich, scares me to death. It's a concept that is dripping with socialism. I have always believed in free enterprise and capitalism. Oh how I wish there was a flat tax. I cannot support the idea of taking from the rich to equal everyone out. Again, it's a socialistic concept that I don't embrace.
The "A" word. Yes, abortion. I am not in favor of it. I don't feel the need to argue the topic of abortion, because then this blog post would be the size of a book. Several - and I mean several - of my friends have been so blessed because of these unwanted babies through adoption. How can I go along with a candidate who supports this - early or late term.
The list goes on and on. And so could this blog post. I have found that I disagree with both candidates on several points. Both have shady things in their past and some associations that I cannot ignore. But to not vote would be irresponsible. I must decide.
(Now many will say there is so much more to the discussion, and believe me I know this is true. But for the sake of not making this so long, I just touched on a couple of things).
My sister-in-law (you know I still love you) made a comment the other day that has really bothered me. She said she loved the idea of a black president. If you think about it, that is a very narrow minded comment. The color of ones skin is irrelevant as is their gender. I love the idea of voting for someone who shares my beliefs. That is all.
And so my friends, on November 4th, John McCain will be getting my vote. And no matter who wins this election, I feel I did my best to make an educated decision. I feel I voted for the candidate that adhered most to my beliefs.
This is just one girls opinion.