Thursday, October 2, 2008

If back then, why not now?

When I was first married and living in a small apartment, I made friends with my neighbor, also a newly wed.  She discovered that I was of the mormon faith and was extremely bothered by it.  One day she pulled me aside and asked me a question.  "Melissa, if I were about to walk off a cliff and didn't know it, would you stop me?"  "Of course I would stop you" I told her.  "Well, Melissa, you are headed off a cliff with your religion, and I feel like I need to stop you".

I was so taken back by her comment, I really didn't know how to respond.  She proceeded to tell me that there was no prophet of God on the earth today.   I don't exactly remember the details of our conversation after that, but I do remember that I didn't have the courage to respond the her the way I wished I would have.

It has always bothered me that I didn't ask her a question in return.  Why would God call prophets and apostles in the olden days but not today?  Where in the scriptures does it say that God will never again have a prophet on the earth?

I believe that God has not forsaken His people.  I believe that he has called a living prophet in our day and time.  That is how it was in the scriptures, why not now?   Were not the prophets of old scorned and mocked by the people?  Were they not ridiculed and made fun of.  Christ himself was mocked and scorned by those who did not believe.

I have the rare opportunity this weekend to attend a general meeting of my church, where the prophet and his 12 apostles will speak the good word of God.  If you are not familiar with the mormon religion, you might be surprised by the quiet natures of these men.  They are not dressed in the latest fashion, they make no money for their service, and they don't wave their hands in the air and heal people on the spot.

But if you listen closely, you will feel the power in their words.  If you open your heart you will be touched by the love God still has for His people on the earth today. 

So to my friend out there, I am sorry if you think I am headed off a cliff.  But I wish you could know as I do, that there really is a living prophet.  He speaks the will of God to the people.  I am so grateful to have this knowledge in times such as these.  I know in my heart these things are true. And so to all the world out there - I pray you also will find the truth that you seek in your life.

If you are curious about the idea of a prophet, click here and decide for yourself.


Diane Arnett Gardiner said...

Thank you

Elizabeth said...

Well said Melissa, well said.

MarySue said...

I've been reading and enjoying your blog, cakes, home decorating etc. I've never commented before (I think) but your courage and testimony has me smiling and so proud of you!!! What a well rounded gal/blog.

Britany said...

Amen! I hope you have a fabulous time!

Megan said...

Here here! The prophet of our church warned us 7 years ago to GET OUT OF DEBT. Those who listened and heeded his words can feel secure in times like today where the economy seems to be on a crash course for disaster and people everywhere are struggling to keep their homes. Like my good sister in law melissa said, I too am grateful for a living prophet to guide us today. Non members don't have this privilege. If you are curious about the LDS religion, watching conference this Sat and Sun will be a good sneak preview!

julie williams said...

I couldn't have said it better!! that was beautiful and made me very excited to listen to our dear prophet this weekend and soak up his words! Have a great weekend

Cindy Thomas said...

Have fun in SLC!

Sarah said...

nicely said, melissa. I am excited for conference too.

Eldon said...

well written

Anonymous said...

I am sure your friend didn't meant to offend you. She was probably raised rooted in a faith just as you are rooted in yours. I am not mormon but my closest friends are.They once tried to "convert" me but I explained to them that I firmly believed in my faith and that I loved their friendship and understood that their faith was a big part of their life, just as mine is to me. Trying to change my mind was going to be about as impossible as it would have been to change their minds. That is why we live in such a great, free country. We can all believe in what we want and still be friends. She probably thought she was "helping" or "saving" you, justlike the missionaries that come to my door think they are doing.

Pam said...

Amen to your great post. Hope you enjoy being at conference.

Heather C. said...

Hey, I wished I had checked your blog earlier, we were in Utah visiting Mike's family, we could have grabbed lunch in between sessions on Saturday

lundgrenville said...

Thank you for your comments and testimony.

Anonymous said...