Monday, September 8, 2008


Two little girls under the umbrella on a hot Saturday afternoon...
= Big Bucks!!


Abby said...

So stinkin' cute!

mother of seven said...

sounds like fun.. How did they do?

Brent and April said...

Go Allison! Did you make bank? :)

Elizabeth said...

I would definately stop and buy some. I love their poster!

The Lees said...

That was some good lemonade! I felt bad for them in the heat, with little sweat drops on their little noses. They didn't seem to mind. Brian gave them a good tip for the excellent service, and the silly dance that came with the lemonade.

lundgrenville said...

Dang! I missed out on some good lemonade for sure! Next time let me know when they sell again. Sounds so yummy, especially in this summer heat.

Laurel said...

Oh, I am a sucker for lemonade stands. My personal rule is that if I see one I MUST stop. Here is my motto: "I support childhood." Next time call me and I'll drive by on purpose.